Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The End of Sem 7......
Hello, this would my last journal entry in this blog spot. And tomorrow would be the last day for this semester.. My feelings are indescribable but finally, we have completed everything for this subject. Position paper, presentation, e-journal and the most importantly, the RESEARCH PAPER! In this subject, I have gained a lot of new knowledge especially when I was working on my assignments and research paper. So, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Malachi Edwin, Mr. Omid and my supervisor, Dr. Jaya for their kindness and guidelines. Thank you!!

Time flies ...........
This week is already Week 13! Oh my god! How time flies by...... Anyway, this week is the submission week for my research paper. I've already finished editing the last draft of the paper and I'm so happy! This is a major assignment and I've really put in alot of effort to finish it. I have chose King Lear as my topic because it examines the tragic hero's relationships with the people around him, good or bad. Lear’s basic flaw at the beginning of the play is that he values appearances above reality. He wants to be treated as a king and to enjoy the title, but he doesn’t want to fulfill a king’s obligations of governing for the good of his subjects. In my opinion, we can learn alot from Lear's character and his downfall..... All in all, I'm happy I chose this as the topic of my research paper!
"Come not between the dragon and his wrath." - Lear

"Come not between the dragon and his wrath." - Lear
Meeting up with Dr. Jaya
Today is my meeting with my research paper with Dr. Jaya, my supervisor. He gave us alot of guidelines to edit our research paper together. We talked about many new ideas to edit our draft. The discussion lasted about an hour or so. I like Dr. Jaya because he is very helpful and down-to-earth. My friends and I were really comfortable with him as our supervisor as he is a very knowledgeable lecturer.
Fast and Furious Day!!
Today is Thursday again and as usual we have Dr. Edwin's class. Previously, we were assigned by Dr. Edwin to read an essay. Then, he started the class by asking what is the definition of empire. Each of us gave our opinions. Suddenly, a few of my friends came in late for class and interrupted the whole class teaching session. Dr. Edwin got irritated and pissed because of the late comers. So, he asked them the reason they came in late. Nazhmir said they went to do for the research for a Master's student and therefore they are late for class. However, Dr. Edwin was very angry and he said he would not continue to teach in the class unless "we get things straightened out here". So, he walked off and left the classroom. I feel that Dr. Edwin did the right thing and he deserved a better respect from us.....

Today is a happy day because we do not have any tutorial class! This is due to the public holiday. So, I just sat at home today and did some research for my research paper and so on. It was quite a boring day though......
A teacher?

Wow.... It's been a week since I saw Dr. Edwin! As usual he started the class with some jokes. His jokes never fail to bring a smile on our tired faces. Hmmm... before the class started, we were actually watching the DVD which we did not finish viewing last week. After finishing the movie, Dr. Edwin asked us several different questions based on the movie. Everyone gave their different and interesting opinions. Then, he asked us a very important question. "As you are a teacher, what kind of metaphor/images that you want to go for?". Starting from the row behind until the front row, each and everyone of us came out with a lot of funny and unique ideas like a mountain, spectacles, and so on. The funniest metaphor was mentioned by Nalini. She said "If I am a teacher, I want to be an ATM Machine which stands on the knowledge provider rather than money provider." Everyone kept laughing including Dr. Edwin. Haha. It was indeed an enjoyable class as everyone had a good laugh. Lastly, Dr. Edwin did a bit of letters with us and the class ended in this chapter... I was happy that during our next class, we would be studying a new chapter! I hope it would be an interesting one!
My day of presentation
Today, it was the last week of presentation for our position paper. Everyone in the class is in a good mood because Hari Raya is just around the corner and we all can't wait to go home! So, the class started with the continuation of our position paper's presentation. Mr. Omid was sitting behind the class to observe each of the presentations done by us. He was happy because everyone did a great job on presenting their points and ideas. Finally, my name was called up and I was to present my position paper. At first, I was quite nervous however after awhile on the stage, I gained my confidence and felt more comfortable around my friends. As stated on my earlier post, I had chosen "Godfather's Death" by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm for my position paper. The story had caught my attention when I first read it because it had alot of moral values that one could learn from. It taught me about the ugly side of greed and how it can destroy a person's life. Anyway, today was a great day for Mr. Omid's class! :D
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